Big Responders
Big Responders is a Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri (BBBSEMO) initiative focused on recruiting volunteers – Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Big Couples, and Big Families – who work as first responders to be adult mentors to BBBSEMO youth ages 5-17.
By matching first response professionals (e.g., firefighters, EMTs, law enforcement officers, military service members) with young people as one-to-one mentors, Big Responders aims to help build strong, trusting, and enduring relationships between first responders and the youth, families, and communities they serve.
And like all BBBSEMO programs, the goal of Big Responders is ensuring that children and teenagers grow up with love, hope and opportunity; the initiative works toward that vision by connecting young people across Eastern Missouri with caring, consistent adults.
Click here to read about one officer’s experience of Being There, Being Big, Being Blue.
Contact Director of Volunteer Recruitment Linda Robinson at (314) 633-0024.